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The Talon House

C James

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C James last won the day on June 30 2009

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About C James

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  1. Thanks!! My long-term goal is to write a mainstream (not gay centric) book, and Kindle direct publishing is a very intriguing option! Circumnavigation would, I think, not be too acceptable to a straight audience, though one of my past novels had a significant readership of straight military types, due to the content. (many of whom hated the gay aspects). I do plan to give a mainstream novel a whirl soon. I have to reluctantly announce a hiatus of two weeks, due to me falling way behind in writing. The next chapter should be posted on or before Jan 9th. CJ
  2. A new story, Circumnavigation, is nearing completion, and here's a link. : )
  3. I've heard of you. Welcome to the Talonhouse.
  4. Wow, Jan, Thank you!!! BTW, Ch 20 is now posted, too.
  5. Thanks Jan!!! Glad to be here!
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