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`Smelly Holidays' CD A Real Gas


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`Smelly Holidays' CD A Real Gas

LOS ANGELES (Wireless Flash) -- If you think Christmas time stinks, a new CD of farts might just be for you.

A new musical CD called "Pull My Finger Volume 3: Smelly Holidays" has just been released on pullmyfinger.com and is a compilation of classic holiday air biscuit arias.

Creator Richard Halpern says the festive flatulent songs are 100 percent real created by people who stepped up to a microphone after eating Brussels sprouts and beans.

Halpern's previous fart and belching music CDs combined have sold more than 200,000 copies, and he believes it's because "people universally think farts are funny."

While some think farting appeals to only the lowest common denominator, Halpern says just play a fart sound while watching George W. Bush deliver a speech and "no one can withstand the power of flatulence."


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