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Lawsuits Fly After Mass Gay Outings By Newspapers


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Lawsuits Fly After Mass Gay Outings By Newspapers

by 365Gay.com Newscenter Staff

February 15, 2006 - 7:00 pm ET

(Yaounde) A cabinet minister and two doctors are suing a pair of newspapers in the tiny African nation of Cameroon after they were named in a series of articles that listed more than 50 people the papers claimed are gay.

Others named in the stories are closing watching the proceedings and say they too may sue.

The papers say the articles are a crusade against "deviant behavior" in the country where homosexuality is punishable by up to five years in prison.

The libel and defamation suit will begin on February 21.

The tabloids L'Anecdote and La Meteo say they are anxious to prove their cases in court. Both publications say they have proof of their allegations.

As 365Gay.com reported last week L'Anecdote sold out within hours of hitting the streets and had to publish two extra editions to keep up with the demand. (story)

La Meteo, under the headline "Homosexuality at the top hierarchy of government" listed three-pages of names. Among them was Pierre Moukoko Mbonjo, Cameroon's Communications Minister.

On the weekend Cameroon President Paul Biya criticized the papers, calling them irresponsible and saying the stories were based on rumor and innuendo.

Last year international human rights activists condemned the government's treatment of gays and demanded the release of 11 men detained for last seven months on suspicion of “sodomy”.

The men were arrested during a raid on a gay bar in the capital of Yaounde. A court ordered anal exams ”to determine if they are homosexuals."

©365Gay.com 2006



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