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The Talon House

His Heart


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His Heart

His heart keeps him awake while he's asleep.

He listens to his heart while he falls asleep in bed.

His artificial heart gives him insomnia.

As long as I can hear the sound, I know I'm here.

His heart keeps him alive while he's asleep.

My heart helps me to sleep while I'm alive.

Oh, patient, this Valentine is for you.

I had no choice, I knew that I was dying.

We are trying to survive. We are standing on the shoulders

of the makers of the heart while we lie on our back in bed.

They walk with their hearts on their sleeves and their noses to the grindstone.

He listens to his heart while he falls asleep at night.

Oh, Valentine, this contraption is for you,

device of the scared, the sacred heart.

It feels heavy to me — it makes a constant whir

which keeps me awake when I'm trying to get to sleep.

It has no heartbeat, only this constant whir.

Several lines are quoted from an interview with Robert Tools, first recipient of the AbioCor artificial heart (Lawrence K. Altman, New York Times, August 22, 2001; A1, A16)

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