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3-Year-Old Boy Buys Pink Nissan on eBay


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3-Year-Old Boy Buys Pink Nissan on eBay

LONDON, Sep. 26, 2006


(AP) Three-year-old Jack Neal loves cars: so much so, that while his mother's back was turned he bought a Barbie-pink Nissan Figaro for nearly $16,000 on eBay.

"I had just come off the computer and I thought I had logged off, I came out of eBay," his mother Rachel told the British Broadcasting Corp. on Monday.

"Jack jumped on the chair, (went) straight in, found the page and bought the car." Unable to read, the youngster likely used the "buy it now" option to make the purchase.

The first time the Neals, from Sleaford in eastern England, knew of the sale was when they received an e-mail from auto dealer David Jones, who thought he had made his first Internet sale.

Jones, from Worcestershire in central England, saw the funny side and said he will not hold the Neals to their purchase. The car will be re-listed later.

"I've got a 2 1/2-year-old son myself and I don't think he would be able to do this, although he's bright," he said.

Jack denied all culpability.

Asked if he had made the purchase, he simply squirmed and muttered, "No..."


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