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The Talon House


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Posts posted by TalonRider

  1. This interlude answers the immediate question of why they were in stasis for 2500 years instead of the planned 100 years.

    Perhaps when Jamie programed the machine, he programed it to cover other sections to keep Loka and his ilk out. We may not know the answer until Book 3. Remember, Jamie gives us information that sometimes appears in a future chapter.

    Before we can find that out tho, we still need to get thru Part 3, The Circle of Ondra, as we still have Loran to deal with.

    I'm guessing that Book 3 will then begin to deal with Hippolito and Gude.

  2. I can tell you that Silver is about three pages as a word doc using standard size font. Gold, historically, has been one page. Since I've not seen it yet, I can't say how long it will be. So there could be a chance that both Interlude chapters will be posted together, but don't hold me to it.

  3. I know the last time we went thru a lengthy hiatus with Jamie, he was here in the states working on his degree, and teaching. That took up a lot of his time so he put the story on the back burner.

    At home, he teaches at a University an hour away. He also does consulting work for some companies. Twice a year, he comes back to the States to teach, early in the year for two weeks in Las Vegas, and then again towards the end of the summer semester at Penn State for two to three weeks.

    I do know from past emails, he has been working on chapters for Part 4 and he only sends them one at to his editor. As it was started, things to come up. Even AJ has things come up that caused slow downs, one of which was a computer problem.

    Unfortunately, life can be cruel to us. An author I work with works second shift for company. Recently the company relocated to another building and he was involved in long hours getting ready to move and then the move. Now, the company is sending him back to school for another degree.

    And don't feel alone about not hearing back from Jamie. It happens to all of us. When he's able to get back to us, I'll probably be one of the first ones he contacts as he knows I'll let this group know.

  4. When I originally made that last post, I was referring to the end of the cliffhanger we've been waiting on.

    The last I've heard from Jamie was back in late August/early September. All the rain from Irene and then Lee screwed up his time here so we didn't get together for our annual visit. I've even chatted with his editor, AJ, whose wondering as well. He's sent Gold, the second edit back and is still waiting for the third.

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